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Atari 7800 Expansion

 Gnd   +5v  CVideo MLum0 Mlum3 Blank OscDis ExtMen Gnd
--1-- --2--  --3-- --4-- --5-- --6-- --7-- ---8-- --9--

-18-- -17--  -16-- -15-- -14-- -13-- -12-- --11-- -10--
 Gnd  Audio   Rdy   MCol MLum2 MLum1 Msync  Clk2  ExtOsc

UNKNOWN (At the Atari)


Pin Name Description
1 GND Ground
2 +5V +5 VDC
3 CVIDEO Input to RF modulator (Video+Audio)
4 MLUM0 Maria Luminance Bit 0
5 MLUM3 Maria Luminance Bit 3
6 BLANK Blanking output
7 OSCDIS Disable 14.31818 MHz Master Clock
8 EXTMEN External Maria Enable Input
9 GND Ground
10 EXTOSC External clock to replace Master Clock
11 CLK2 Phase 2 Clock from the 6502
12 MSYNC Maria Composite Sync
13 MLUM1 Maria Luminance Bit 1
14 MLUM2 Maria Luminance Bit 2
15 MCOL Maria Color Phase Angle
16 RDY Input to the 6502
17 AUDIO Audio
18 GND Ground
Contributor: Joakim �gren
Source: Classic Atari 2600/5200/7800 Game Systems FAQ, Pinout by Harry Dodgson
Please send any comments to Joakim �gren.